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Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Cases

It is against the law in North Carolina for an employer, supervisor, manager or person in a position of authority to require an employee or job applicant’s submission to unwanted sexual advances as a condition for employment, promotions or job benefits. Yet many employees, particularly female employees, still experience sexual harassment in the workplace.

You should NOT have to tolerate quid pro quo sexual harassment in the workplace in order to do your job or gain a promotion or other job benefits.

At Riddle & Brantley, we are committed to standing up for victims of quid pro sexual harassment. If you are experiencing sexual harassment at work, you may have a right to seek compensation from your harasser. Call us at 1-800-525-7111 or complete the short form below for a FREE consultation.

Turn to the trusted sexual harassment attorneys at Riddle & Brantley for a confidential claim review. Talking with our experienced attorneys is the best way to gain an understanding of whether the workplace situation you are facing meets the legal definition of quid pro quo harassment. Understanding your legal rights helps you know what to do next.

What Does Quid Pro Quo Mean?

Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that means “this for that.” It usually refers to a trade or exchange in which something is given in exchange for something received.

How Does Quid Pro Quo Apply to Sexual Harassment Cases?

In the context of workplace sexual harassment, quid pro quo harassment refers to unwanted sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, when submission to the propositions is stated or implied as a condition for employment, advancement or salary raises. Unwelcome speech, overtures or conduct that leads to quid pro quo harassment is against the law in North Carolina.

How to Know You Are a Victim of Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Consider whether the comment or behavior in question was sexual in nature. Did the conduct or behavior make you feel uncomfortable? Was the conduct initiated by a supervisor or someone who can affect your employment? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, you may be a victim of quid pro quo sexual harassment.

What if I have no evidence to prove my case?

Sometimes, sexual harassment does not involve any overtly stated demands or comments of a sexual nature by a supervisor, but it is no less harmful or illegal.

If you believe that you are being sexually harassed, it is important to keep detailed notes of what was said and done and the dates and times when the harassment occurred. These notes may provide useful evidence to support to your claim.

If your employer has a procedure for reporting sexual harassment, you should follow the procedure so that your complaint is officially documented. This type of documentation also can help you prove a case of quid pro quo harassment. You also should consult with an experienced lawyer who handles sexual harassment cases to understand what further steps to take.

What if I took the offer because of pressure? Do I still have a case?

Yes, you may still have a civil case and be entitled to seek compensation for the harm done to you. Quid pro quo harassment is against the law regardless of whether an employee submitted to the unwanted sexual approaches or resisted the overtures.

Each sexual harassment case has its own set of facts and circumstances. You can discuss your situation with an experienced attorney free and confidentially. It is best to have a knowledgeable attorney review the specific facts of your situation and discuss your legal options.

At Riddle & Brantley, we believe Justice Counts. Our sexual harassment attorneys are available and ready to help you seek justice if you have been a victim of sexual harassment at work.

Contact us online or give us a call at (800) 525-7111 for your free case evaluation today.