$140,000 Workers’ Compensation Settlement

$140,000 Workers’ Compensation Settlement

Settlement: $140,000

Our client, a food service worker, suffered a hand injury due to repetitive use of a knife and other hand tools on the job. Defendants denied our client’s claim. Riddle & Brantley, LLP brought the case to a hearing in front of a Deputy Commissioner and we received a favorable decision.

Defendants were ordered to pay benefits which accrued during the Defendants denial of the claim, ongoing total permanent disability benefits and attorney fees for an unreasonable defense. Defendants appealed the Deputy Commissioner’s decision to the Full Industrial Commission. Riddle & Brantley, LLP successfully defended the appeal with the Full Industrial Commission. Defendants then appealed the decision of the Full Industrial Commission to the North Carolina Court of Appeals.

Again, Riddle & Brantley, LLP successfully defended the appeal, and the North Carolina Court of Appeals upheld the decision of the Industrial Commission.

After 10 years of payments the claim was settled for an additional $140,000 plus lifetime entitlement to medical treatment. We were pleased to have helped our client get the justice he deserved in this long-fought case.

If you've been injured while on the job, call 1-800-525-7111 for a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced North Carolina workers' comp attorney.

*** Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.